A Lead is any person, organization or company that may be interested in your products or services. Sometimes Leads are referred to as Prospects or Suspects. Leads are not yet customers.
>> 고객(Customer)이 되기 전 상태로 '잠재 고객'을 의미.
An Account is an organization, individual or company involved with your business such as customers, competitors and partners that you want to track in Salesforce.
>> '계정(정보)'을 의미하며, 고객과 경쟁사, 파트너등과 관련된 정보를 의미.
A Contact is any individual or influencer associated with an account that you want to track in Salesforce.
>> 어카운트(Account)와 관련된 항목으로 보통 연락처라는 개념을 의미.
An Opportunity is any potential revenue-generating event (“sales deal” ) that you want to track in Salesforce.
>> 영업거래(Sales Deal)와 관련된 '잠재예산'으로 성립(Won)되거나 실패(Lost)된 거래를 모두 포함.
A forecast is your best estimate of how much revenue you can generate in a quarter.
>> 분기(Quarter)별에 만들어지는 예산 크기의 최적 견적(Estimate). '예상 예산'과 비슷한 개념.
A case is a detailed description of a customer’s feedback, problem or question.
>> 고객(Customer)의 의견, 문제점, 질문등을 의미.
A solution is a detailed description of a customer issue and the resolution of that issue. The collection of your organization’s solutions is sometimes referred to as the solution knowledge base.
>> 케이스(case)와 같이 고객에 대해서 이슈화된 내용에 대한 해결책등과 같은 정보를 의미.
Activities are both tasks and scheduled calendar events. You can define and track activities for many different objects, including campaigns, accounts, contacts, and leads.
>> 작업(TASK)이나 스케줄 이벤트를 의미.
Reports are summaries and analyses of your data, which you can display or print.
>> (입력한)데이타를 분석하고 요약하여 표현하는 방법으로 화면/지면 인쇄가능.
Dashboards give you a real-time snapshot of corporate metrics and key performance indicators. A dashboard is a group of different charts (or components) that graphically display your custom report data.
>> 관련정보에 대한 KPI와 수치로 실시간 상태를 보여줌. (권한으로 보이지 않는 부분에 대해서도 대쉬보드로 작성하면 권한과 상관없이 확인이 가능함)
Products are the individual items that you sell on your opportunities.
>> 오퍼튜니티에서 당신이 판매할 수있는 제품을 의미.
A contract is a written agreement between two or more parties
>> 2~3개 상대방과 작성한 동의서(계약)를 의미.